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synthetic oil
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Auteur:  christi [ Dimanche 18 Mai 2008 20:54 ]
Sujet du message:  synthetic oil

is there any problem running a 604 V6 with synthetic oil?

I have been using 0W40 Mobil 1 for 6000 miles

the engine has good oil pressure and runs well, but now the engine has started to make a noise :(

Auteur:  Paull [ Dimanche 18 Mai 2008 21:33 ]
Sujet du message:  Noisy engine

Hello Christi,

In our 6 :lol: 4(s) I use full synthetic engine oil, since 1994.
I never had any problems with the engine nor the sealings.
In the last 14 years, we drove over 200.000 kms, without any problem.

However, when your engine has built up black sludge, it's possible that
some of parts of the black sludge get loose and enter the nozzles of the
thumblers. This can cause the breakdown of the thumblers, because you
loose the toplayer which meets the camshaft.

It is possible, that down in your carter, probably some parts of dirt have
been built up and it is wise to dismantle the carter and after cleaning
assemble it again.

To know the valve clearance, you have to check following:
Inlet 0,1 mm and outlet valve 0,25 mm.
When it's considerably more than this, you have to replace one or more
thumblers. This job can be done without dismantling the whole
cilinderhead. I have done it several times with success.

Bon courage,

Auteur:  christi [ Lundi 19 Mai 2008 3:34 ]
Sujet du message: 

can I remove the head bolts and then put them back without changing the head gasket?

Auteur:  V6SL [ Lundi 19 Mai 2008 11:08 ]
Sujet du message: 

Hello Paul & Paulla :)

It's nice to read you again :!: :)

I don't understand what is Thumbler(s) :?:

And what is this Black sludge :?:
:arrow: Too much oil in the engine :?:
:arrow: a Natural Disaster :?:



Auteur:  christi [ Lundi 19 Mai 2008 12:04 ]
Sujet du message: 

I think he means "rocker arm".
There are 12 rockers arms, each one connects the camshaft to a valve.

Auteur:  Paull [ Lundi 19 Mai 2008 21:37 ]
Sujet du message: 

christi a écrit:
can I remove the head bolts and then put them back without changing the head gasket?

Hello Christi,

Yes you can, but before you release the head bolts you have to remove
the cooling water from the engine (both heads). Each cilinderhead is
equipped with a plug to release the cooling water.
I did this treatment several times myself, and I can tell you it worked
every time! The last time was in 1996 and we ever since used this
6 :lol: 4 for over 150.000 km.

As an extra, you can add a product called "Bars Leaks" which can
possibly seal (and prevent from) small leaks in a cooling system.
Since Jaguardealers in the Netherlands use this product with every
service interval, I too, dare to use it. :wink:

It can be useful to clean the rocker-shaft. If you want a picture to
explain, I can arrange for it. By experience I can tell you it can be full of

Can you describe the kind of noise the engine makes? Is it just in one
head, or is it below in the engine?

Best regards

Auteur:  Paull [ Lundi 19 Mai 2008 21:44 ]
Sujet du message:  Black sludge

V6SL a écrit:
Hello Paul & Paulla :)
It's nice to read you again :!: :)
And what is this Black sludge :?:

Hello Xavier,
Yes, we are still "here".
Just back from a nice trip to "La Vendée" with our (French) summer 6 :lol: 4.
Black sludge is a recidu of burned oil with dirt and this can ruin your
engine. It is best if you can prevent this from happening by using good
quality engine oil, like full synthetic for instance 5 W 40. And don't forget
to change it every 10.000 or 15.000 kms as well as the oil filter.

Have a nice evening,

Auteur:  V6SL [ Mardi 20 Mai 2008 6:43 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Black sludge

Paull a écrit:

Hello Xavier,
Yes, we are still "here".
Just back from a nice trip to "La Vendée" with our (French) summer 6 :lol: 4.
Black sludge is a recidu of burned oil with dirt and this can ruin your
engine. It is best if you can prevent this from happening by using good
quality engine oil, like full synthetic for instance 5 W 40. And don't forget
to change it every 10.000 or 15.000 kms as well as the oil filter.

Have a nice evening,

Thank you Paul, you help me to improve my technical vocabulary in English!
I learn in mechanics / technique 604 by reading to you!!

Have a nice day :!:

Auteur:  alestar [ Samedi 24 Mai 2008 18:35 ]
Sujet du message: 

Hello Christi, synthetic oil is OK, but I would recommend 15W40 instead; 0W40 is a bit too fluid for a 25-year old engine :wink:

Enjoy running your 604 V6!

Auteur:  MKI [ Samedi 24 Mai 2008 19:06 ]
Sujet du message: 

I agree... The PRV engine was built for a 20W50 oil... :shock:

I use the Motul 20W50, it is perfect! :P :P :P

Auteur:  christi [ Samedi 24 Mai 2008 23:49 ]
Sujet du message: 

alestar a écrit:
Hello Christi, synthetic oil is OK, but I would recommend 15W40 instead; 0W40 is a bit too fluid for a 25-year old engine :wink:

Enjoy running your 604 V6!

The "0" in a 0W40 refers to the cold viscosity of the oil, whilst the "40" refers to the hot viscosity of the oil. At high temperature a 0W40 or 5W40 is the same as 15W40.

Auteur:  V6SL [ Lundi 26 Mai 2008 10:33 ]
Sujet du message: 

have a look on tihs post :!:

Auteur:  christi [ Lundi 26 Mai 2008 10:43 ]
Sujet du message: 


"L'idée est alors de proposer un lubrifiant à deux têtes, par exemple une 20W50 se comportant à froid comme une SAE 20W et à chaud comme une SAE 50."

Auteur:  christi [ Mardi 24 Juin 2008 20:10 ]
Sujet du message: 

How about this Total Quartz 7000?

SAE 10W-40

API SJ/CF. ACEA A3/B3 Approvals: PSA Peugeot Citroen, VW 505.00/500.00, MB 229.1.

Synthetic based multi-grade oil for petrol and diesel engines, including turbo-charged and multi-valved engines. For severe operating conditions. Compatible with all vehicles equipped with catalysts and using unleaded fuels."


Auteur:  V6SL [ Lundi 15 Septembre 2008 12:51 ]
Sujet du message: 

I can't tell you something about this OIL...

But Synthetic is not good for former conception engine like V6 PRV

As said by MKI, mineral or semi-synthetic oil are better for our engine.

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